Illustration by Amber Griffin
It’s important to consider what might be going on beneath the surface, before we react to what’s taken at face-value, says oh mag editor, author & holistic therapist, Eminé Rushton
As an holistic therapist, I am trained to consider what is happening beneath the surface… to look past symptoms, to ask questions, to feel, to listen, to gently excavate through the layers of the self, until we arrive at a place where the root of the cause might be unearthed and understood. Though I work with the skin, I never take anything at face value. We are all able to put a brave face on – even when we’re falling to pieces beneath; able to fake a smile and force laughter. But we know the difference – because we feel it. And our feelings and experiences make themselves known, in every part of our lives. When we look into someone’s face – or when we are confronted with their unkind words, or negative opinions, or challenging statements – we rarely consider what’s going on underneath it all. How would life be different if we could take an ‘x-ray perspective’ – and see what was happening beneath the surface? That, perhaps, they are losing a loved one; that they’re feeling desperately lonely; that they’ve been unable to sleep well for months. Would that change our reaction to them? Of course it would. The next time you are in a challenging situation with someone close to you – a work colleague, a friend, a family member – try to use your x-ray perspective. Try to consider what may preface the words being spoken… what domino effect of events has led them to feel this way. Often, the very best way to unearth these truths is simply to listen… to avoid pressing your beliefs into the silent gaps, and to just let the person talking do their own, gentle digging… all the way down to the truth of the matter.
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