Spring has sprung! Hello, oh 59


132 pages of playful enquiry, hope & magic

Play. What comes to mind? Boardgames, playgrounds, football pitches? Dancing, joking, letting your hair down, or just being plain silly? Play means many different things to the people in this issue – from the surprising realisation that it’s still possible to laugh out loud after losing a loved one, to the wielding of humour to disarm our deepest social biases. Play can lead us to do things we never dreamed possible – to break through after breaking down; driven by an urgent need to share something beautiful with the world. This delicious spring issue is filled with that beautiful stuff – from witchy magic and soul-affirming murals, to nature’s soundscapes and unforgettable portraits. It’s a good place to get lost, and an even better place to begin... it is spring, after all.