Iconic film posters have been redesigned to feature an all-black cast and put up on south London streets by a campaign group called Legally Black...
Four "advocates of social justice" from south west London have joined forces to combat the way black people are portrayed in the media by forming their project Legally Black. The aim of Legally Black is to increase awareness about the lack of black representation in the media and create dialogue and discussion around inaccurate and harmful depictions.
Their first visual campaign replaces characters from famous white dominant TV programmes with black people, with posters now dotted around south London. The campaign also features the tagline: “If you’re surprised, it means you don’t see enough black people in major roles,” encapsulating the meaning at the heart of project.
"Black kids can be wizards too" says Olivia, who is playing Hermione Granger in a Harry Potter poster in this BBC video.
You can find our more on their website: legallyblack.space